Acquire Deep Concentration

Dear Students:
Have you ever noticed that when you are engaged in a difficult activity such as chopping wood, you must focus deeply on what you are doing?

Imagine what would happen if you paid attention to every duty that you carry out, with a similar kind of attention?   Profound concentration may surface when you tune into yourself so often.  This would entail you to be mindful when performing activities that are enjoyable or unpleasant; easy or difficult; exciting or mundane; novel or routine; calming or stressful, etc. 

It does take discipline to train the mind in this manner. Due to modern society’s abundant distractions, you might find this very difficult and uncomfortable to practice at first. Determination and a will to change can get you off the frenetic roller coaster of 21st century life and onto more serene roads.

To start, remind yourself each morning to execute all activities with awareness. Then go about your day and notice what emerges. At the close of each night, make a mental note as to when you were able to attend to yourself and when you were not. Recall what your mental, emotional and attitudinal state of mind was like during those times. 

For example if you were able to pay attention while scrubbing the toilet but not when you were enjoying dessert, this is an important discovery. What compelled you to tune in? What made you check out? Answers to these questions can give you helpful tools to use the following day while exploring.

With that said, I have observed that it seems easier for students to use strong catalysts such as a pain signal or a disagreeable emotion to remind them when to self-witness.  It is harder when they are feeling good and enjoying things.  During happier times they tend to forget themselves.  I suggest when in a more carefree state to use that sensation as the spark to awaken your mind/body interest.  Be sure to remind yourself about this new detail the next morning so you can be more successful in arousing your consciousness when you want.

Of course, being aware is very hard to achieve each moment of every day, but the more you try and the less you judge yourself, the better you will get at it.  I am confident that if you keep striving to develop concentration you may find your best teacher, healer and friend inside of yourself!

F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home, to stop the 5G Deployment or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.