Feldenkrais Experiences

Hi Students!
People ask me all the time if Feldenkrais can help them with… (fill in the blank).  Today I would like to begin answering some frequent questions that I am asked.  If there are any learning experiences that any of you would like to share with others on this blog, please let me know and I will include it next time.

Can Feldenkrais help reduce the occurrences of Migraine Headaches?
I will answer this from my own personal experience.  In my twenties, I used to get migraines whenever I became stressed out.   Luckily, I started to get trained to become a Feldenkrais Practitioner when I was 28 years old, and this was the beginning of helping myself.  Through the Feldenkrais Method, I discovered that the way I held my head to the right side was a major contributing factor to my migraines.  I also learned that my right eye was my dominant eye as well as the eye that I could see more clearly out of.  Because I used this eye more it made me side bend my head to the side most of time.  When I became tired; tried too hard; or was over stressed; this pattern would intensify.  And this is when I would get a migraine.

I learned about my movement patterns.  I learned about what I did to create these patterns.  Through Feldenkrais classes and sessions I learned how to find the mid-line with my eyes; to move my head using all of myself; and to strengthen my left eye.  I say this now, with tremendous gratitude, that I have had only two or three migraines in the last 12 years!  The few times that I did develop a migraine, it did not last long because I knew how to help myself.  The last one that I had, literally only lasted one hour because I got down on the floor and explored some Feldenkrais lessons and by the end of the lesson it was gone!  I can’t express in words how grateful I am to have the knowledge and awareness to help myself in this way.  I know that anyone that has experienced a migraine will understand my gratitude.


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