Moshe’s Dream of Peace

Dear Students:
One of Moshe Feldenkrais’s dreams was to have his Practitioners teach the Feldenkrais Method to vast numbers of students around the globe, to create world peace.  He predicted that in the future, modern technology would make it possible for everyone on the earth to be doing an Awareness Through Movement lesson all at the same time.

This dream and prediction have not happened yet, yet it’s potential is alive.  Moshe passed away in 1984 when his popularity was growing.

Since then, I don’t think he could have anticipated today’s volatile state of affairs and why his transformative method isn’t as well known as it ought to be.

I do believe that the Feldenkrais Method can be a key catalyst in invoking harmony on this planet but for it to begin, we need lots of powerful, moral & ethical individuals to innovate change in a myriad of ways. Nicole Shanahan in just that kind of person & I feature two videos of her here.

Nicole’s goal is to support reproductive health & end the chronic illness epidemic in this country by cleaning up the air, water, soil, & food. When organic foods, pure water & fresh air is readily available for all, adults & children can move beyond surviving & become thriving human beings.  This energy shift can enable them to pursue interests such as Feldenkrais & the loving benefits they receive can spread to those around them. 

Nicole Shanahan is a brave, 38 year old woman with the skills & a future position to back up her lofty goals. She is an Independent Vice Presidential candidate and I believe she can positively alter the path humanity is currently walking upon. .   

I feel it is so imperative for Nicole’s message to be heard during these times, that I can’t encourage you enough to listen to her with your heart wide open. Since mainstream media is not covering her story, you can make it possible as Moshe foretold, for folks in every nation to see it, by sharing this post on social media and with family & friends.

I hope this inspires you to take actions to help make Feldenkrais’s dream come true sooner than later! Peace to all on Earth.

Contact Donna Bervinchak at: To learn about & donate to the Kennedy/Shanahan campaign click here. To find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.