Nature’s Conveniences

Hi Students:
On one of hottest days this summer, I decided to trek along a creek so I could cool off in the water along the way.  To my surprise when I got to one of my favorite water holes, no one was there.  Since it is usually occupied, I quickly entered the water to enjoy it all to myself.  With glee, I swam back and forth while soaking up the energy from the water fall.  I doggy paddled and floated on my back for some time before an Amish family interrupted my solitude and I courteously let them have their turn.

This was when I realized, this was my first encounter with people on this steamy day.  Except for winter, this particular trail attracts lots of folks, but this time I believe air conditioning kept them away. Because I keep my windows open in the summer time like the Amish, we were the few that took advantage of the cool stream that afternoon.

Living without modern conveniences not only give me rare opportunities like this one but it allows me to enhance my well being in variety of different ways on a daily basis.  For instance in the sultry weather, I move slower, sweat more, eat less and crave more liquids and fruits that help me thrive in the heat.  I sleep less as I retire and rise with the sun. I can predict more accurately when a new day will bring rain or shine, warmer or cooler temperatures, and/or more or less humidity. 

I find that nature is talking all the time and the more time I spend with her the better I understand what she is saying. Earth’s natural cycles help me tune into my own rhythms more accurately so I can sense better what it is I need each moment in life.

What lessons do you think will appear in your life by simply opening your windows for a day or two? You may discover that living in artificial environments can rob you of the abilities to internally sense what it is you need to enrich your health, if you let it. 

With that said, I end with a thought for you to contemplate upon:  when is modern technology a convenience and when does it become an inconvenience?

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