The Dancer Within

Hi Students:
Inside every one is a beautiful dancer that can be expressed in many unique and individual ways.

DancingOldLadyOne of the things I love most about my job as a Feldenkrais® Practitioner is that I enjoy watching the dancer from within my students, emerge.  The following quotes express how this woman pictured to the left could go about finding her dancer through the Feldenkrais Method®.

“Health is measured not by the capacity to stay standing but by the ability to be knocked down and then return to standing.”~Moshe FeldenkraisSkeletalQuote

“It follows that any posture is acceptable in itself as long as it does not conflict with the law of nature, which is that the skeletal structure should counteract the pull of gravity, leaving the muscles free for movement.” ~Moshe Feldenkrais

When a student says to me, “I am getting old and was told that I shouldn’t do this or that anymore…” I kindly remind them not to give their power and dreams away and if they want they can learn to do “this and that”.

When you witness without judgement, how you move, behave and imagine yourself to be in the world, you can initiate change.  Change can happen by learning to become aware through enjoyable movements that may bring to light personal details about yourself you never knew.

“Without learning to know ourselves as intimately as we possibly can, we limit our choices.  Life is not very sweet without freedom of choice.” ~Moshe Feldenkrais

How much time & energy do you want to commit to finding your inner dancer? Remember you are worth every second.  Imagine your loved ones interacting with you, the dancer, right now.  What do you see?~Donna

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