The Other’s Viewpoint

Dear Students:
One of Moshe Feldenkrais’s special talents was to help people think outside of their boxes.  He loved to debate & argue both sides of an issue. He believed that if he did not understand a subject from all angles, it was not his right to disagree with it.  I believe this attitude helped him to empathize with people & continuously enhanced his ability to teach others.

Moshe’s first American trainees were known to become frustrated when he completely flipped his view on a matter.  It left them thinking & encouraged them to stretch their minds a little bit more.  I believe that by embracing this manner of exploring it can also foster humility & curiosity.

“Moshe loved to argue, sometimes taking the other’s side, and adopting the very position he criticized. We may picture him arguing both for and against the various typologies, ideologies, and therapeutic approaches current in his circles.  He wrestled Talmudically to grasp and assess all sides of an issue. Moshe’s goal was to be able to understand and express the other’s viewpoint even more articulately and convincingly than its proponent.  Only then, he said -following (Jean-Jacques) Rouseau- did one have the intellectual right to disagree.” ~A Life in Movement by Mark Reese page 317.

Being a Feldenkrais Practitioner for over two decades it has become a welcome habit for me to do my best to look closely at subjects that are dear to my heart.  I love the Earth and I try every day to take care of her & shed a light on how we all can help.   

The video I share with you today shows another side of a “green” project that main stream media claims will help improve climate change & carbon capture. I believe carbon pipelines pose great concerns to the health of our environment & present dangers to humanity & all living beings. Watch to learn more about it. To read about other solutions click on my blog posts: Soil Health=Human Health, and/or Documentary: Common Ground.

I hope Dr. Feldenkrais’s approach can inspire you to look at an opposite point of view & open your heart for more loving conversations with others. Peace!

Contact Donna Bervinchak at:  To find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.