Outside Lies: Saturday, April 1, 2017 @ 7:30 p.m., Ware Center

Dear Students:
One of the reasons I love to study movement so much is because we use body language to communicate what there are no words for.  I know that by teaching people how to enhance their movement repertoire I am ultimately helping them express themselves more clearly & completely.

This year you don’t want to miss Netco Modern Dance company’s performance, Outside Lies.  Artistic director, Jen Berlet’s choreography will demonstrate that she needs no words to deliver herScreen shot 2017-02-22 at 10.23.38 AM potent messages!  As she tackles very serious subjects, her dances may leave you sitting with the hairs standing up on your arms and chills running up and down your spine. That’s what happens to me every time I watch the dances during practice sessions.

To lighten the mood of the show Cindy Nehr’s quirky dance may bring a smile to your face at the moment most needed in the show. It becomes evident when watching her choreography that she has an ear like no other!  Sometimes it seems difficult for me to distinguish if she uses the dancers to accentuate the musical score or the other way around.  This playful dance is precisely timed and has made me become a better listener. 

I am going to explain the process I take myself through after every dance rehearsal so all of you can apply it to what ever you want to be able to do in your life.  As you will see the process I go through is exactly what we do in Feldenkrais® classes.

Screen shot 2017-02-22 at 10.40.46 AMThis is my second season dancing with Netco and I am challenged every time I dance with them.  Since most of what happens during rehearsals is new for me I have to practice often on my own.  When I get discouraged I remind myself, that when learning something new it must first be done slowly before it can be done quickly.  As I study the rehearsal videos at home I am only able to teach myself the choreography after I recognize what all the dance steps are.  Then I slowly do the movements over & over until I can do them faster.  When I can imagine myself dancing all the steps, I know I am one step away from successfully dancing it with the troupe.

“No matter how closely we look, it is difficult to find a mental act that can take place without the support of some physical function.”
-Moshe Feldenkrais

I am grateful to have been taken under the wing of this dance company so I can grow as a person.  I am also greatly appreciative to Moshe Feldenkrais because without the knowledge he bestowed upon us I would be a spectator in the stands for this upcoming show.  I can’t encourage you enough to keep coming regularly to Feldenkrais® classes, workshops & private sessions because in time you can learn how to discover your dreams and before you know it, creatively expressing them!

P.S.  To schedule a Functional Integration® session for yourself or your child call me at 717.285.0399.


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