Part 2 of 9: Energy in Motion
Dear Students:
There are many reasons to embrace all emotions as they are messengers that can inform you about the people around you, your environment and yourself. There are no good or bad emotions – it is how you communicate them that makes them loving or not.
Unkind reactions are created by storing unexpressed emotions inside of yourself. This is why most heated arguments between individuals have little to do with the actual situation. Avoiding your emotions results in suppressing them and this is why it is important to recognize how and when you do this.
Unfortunately we live in a world where it has become too easy to evade our internal experiences. It is common to see people plan most of their daily activities around distracting themselves from such moments. This behavior is fueled by the fact that anyone who is openly emotional nowadays, is devalued as being “too sensitive’. To top it all off, majority of people reach for their cell phones when they have a quiet moment instead of choosing to self-reflect.
When daily events become diversions, it becomes difficult to uncover how and when you are running away from your state of being. Even things such as socializing, exercising, and meditating can become escape mechanisms that can develop into addictions.
A first step to take to discover what you repress, is to detect what evasive methods you use to check out. To become aware of how you do this, ask yourself what is your true intention for engaging in an activity. This can be a simple process but it does require you to slow down and attend to yourself with unfiltered honesty.
Part 2: Recognizing When & How You Avoid Emotional Experiencing 1. Before any activity that you partake in ask yourself, “what is my intention behind this?” When you are honest with yourself you will realize that even activities that you think are “healthy” can be turned into a way to avoid yourself.2. Choose a day to focus on becoming self aware. Make a list of all the avoidance techniques & projects that you discover during one typical day. Look at the list afterwards without judging or blaming yourself. 3. Pick one of your avoidance pastimes and when you have time, do not engage in it. Instead sit quietly to discover what kind of suppressed emotions you are running away from. For example: on one occasion, don’t drink coffee and the next, don’t watch television, etc. Do not pick more than one self-study project at a time, so you don’t overwhelm your neurological system. 4. Then read my previous blog post, Energy in Motion and go through the process outlined in Part 1: Steps on How to Experience Emotions Gracefully.
May you find that you are intuitive and unique because of your energy in motion (emotions). I look forward to the day when a man can reveal his hurt feelings in a healthy manner and cry about it without being looked down upon by others. I believe, attaining empathy for our fellow neighbor in this way, can bring us closer to living peacefully on Earth.
F.Y.I.: To learn how to fight for your innate rights against forced vaccines, testing, and other trespasses read Our Innate Rights and/or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.