Avowed & Un-Avowed Dreams

Dear Students:
Moshe Feldenkrais wisely said, “Health is the ability to realize our avowed and unavowed dreams.” [Avow = to acknowledge, to openly declare].  Throughout the years, I have found this to be an accurate way to measure my physical, mental & emotional progress.

An example of one of my avowed dreams is that I wish to help build an off-grid, self sustaining community where I can create a garden paradise homestead with liked minded neighbors. Recently, friends who knew about my desire, sent me a video (to the left) that shows how a man with a similar idea turned his avowed dream into a living reality.  Watch Jim Gale walk through his property called, Galt’s Landing and marvel at what he created.  I love how he used his concept of eliminating lawns to help him grow prosperous & abundant food forests throughout his land. 

An un-avowed dream that was awakened inside of me over the past few years, arose due to the censoring on mainstream media. My passion to stand up for freedom of speech & use my website as a way to get information out to people, is something I never imagined would become necessary.

Today in order to help save peoples’ lives, I share Barry Young’s story with you. Barry is a New Zealand, senior data base administrator who decided to go public with high level health information, when he became alarmed by the vaccine information he was observing in his country.  To hear about what motivated him to speak out despite knowing he would be harshly treated, click on: Reality Check Radio, Barry Young: Covid-19 Data Whistleblower: Dec. 11, 2023.

May you get closer to discovering & living your avowed & un-avowed dreams!  Peace to all on Earth!

Contact Donna Bervinchak at:
donna_bervinchak@yahoo.com.  To find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.