My name is Jennie Donahue. I have an auto immune condition called ITP:Immune Thrombocytopenia Pupura, a blood clotting disorder that affects the white blood cell count. I have conclusively linked this disorder to the MMR vaccine I received in the 1980s. I can't report this or sue anyone. There are currently reports worldwide flooding in of severe injuries and deaths due to Covid vaccines as a result of acute cases of ITP and other blood clotting disorders. Clearly after 30 years vaccine companies still can't produce a vaccine that doesn't affect the blood cells. I already have an auto immune vaccine injury that is the same one harming people currently. According to the CDC, I will not be exempt from receiving the current Covid vaccine. Who is protecting me?
Covid 19 Vaccines are NOT FDA Approved; They are FDA – EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). FDA Approved products are ruled safe and effective for their intended use, requiring years of data review. With EUA, the FDA allows use of unapproved medical products and devices in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent life-threatening conditions when there are no approved alternatives. EUAs are listed as “investigational” vaccines. All products must state they have NOT been approved by the FDA. FDA approval itself has proven untrustworthy. 1/3 of all FDA approved products are recalled for harm or death after the approval process. See
Typical Vaccine Approval Process Takes an Average of 10 Years or Longer.
Covid 19 vaccines were granted EUA within 8 months to 1 year of development. Only 3 stages of testing were completed. There have been no fertility/sterility or other long term studies. The population currently receiving the vaccine is the final stage of “experimental testing”. The FDA has granted EUA to Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Their ongoing clinical trials are designed to last at least 2 years to collect enough data to establish if they are safe and effective for an FDA license.
Vaccine/ Pharmaceutical Companies CAN’T BE SUED Because of U.S. Government Protections. 1986 NCVIA- National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: Exempts vaccine companies from any liability related to injury or death. Previously, vaccine companies were being sued at an alarmingly high rate. Vaccines were ruled “Unavoidably Unsafe” by the U.S. Supreme Court.
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Court created by Congress to pay victims harmed by vaccines. $4.4 Billion taxpayer dollars paid in damages. Only 5% of cases claimed are ever heard. See In 1 year the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine had $3.5 billion in injury claims, equal to $15 billion today.
2005 PREP ACT: Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act: Grants vaccine companies immunity to liability from injury or death caused by any product or vaccine that treats or prevents illness during a Public Health Emergency. If anyone is injured or dies from a Covid 19 vaccine, no one can be sued or held accountable. Multiple amendments have been made since 2019.
Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program: Created to address injury or death from vaccines under EAU. It is a private court of 4 employees, no appeal judge and decisions are made by government employees. $6 million has been paid, with an average of $200,000 per claim, and death cases are capped at $370,00. See
Operation Warpspeed: Vaccine acceleration program run by U.S. Military that fast-tracked vaccine safety testing. $18 billion granted to vaccine companies and $6 billion more in CIA contracts. See shots are “NOT VACCINES”, according to manufacturers and the medical dictionary.
Real vaccines use an antigen of the disease being prevented. mRNA shots made by Pfizer and Moderna don’t contain any form of a virus and can’t be defined as a vaccine. mRNA / messenger RNA is genetic material that contains instructions for making proteins to produce antibodies in your body. It is genetic modification of your DNA. Moderna’s website defines mRNA drug “technology” as: an operating program, app, investigational medicine “the software of life”, but NOT a Vaccine. Shots don’t impart immunity or inhibit transmissibility of the disease. They may possibly lessen infection symptoms. In clinical trials, it specifies there is no testing for immunity. Experimental mRNA shots have NEVER been approved as SAFE for humans outside of an EAU. See
Main and Inactive ingredients in Covid Vaccines are Causing Dangerous Side Effects and Death.
Johnson & Johnson vaccines are created using aborted fetal tissue lines. The vaccines also contain toxic ingredients like Polyethylene glycol (PEG), found in the mRNA shots, and Polysorbate 80, found in the J&J shot, which are structurally similar. Both compounds have been flagged for their ability to cross- react and produce immediate hypersensitive reactions that include anaphylaxis. As of March 5, at least 1,689 recipients of the Pfizer and Moderna injections have reported anaphylactic or serious allergic reactions. Polysorbate 80 also has the ability to bypass the blood brain barrier. The spike protein that the body is instructed to make by mRNA shots have the potential to cause microvascular injury (inflammation and small blood clots called microthrombi) to the heart, brain, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in the safety trials. Global reports of blood clot related injuries and death as well as Bell’s Palsy and paralysis are surfacing. See &
As of March 5, 31,079 Adverse Reactions & 1,524 deaths, have been reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, owned by the CDC). Historically, fewer than 1% of adverse events have ever been reported to VAERS. See &
Big Pharma Spends $30 Billion per Year on Advertising. See
Do You Trust the Intentional Creators of the “Opioid Epidemic” to Make a Cure to a “Pandemic”? Vaccines aren’t created by unbiased scientists committed to help mankind. They are a product sold by corrupt companies who are competing to profit billions on the stock market. We are not patients; we are customers. The government is protecting profits over human health. Big Pharma spends more money on advertising, lobbying, fines and legal defense for their criminal behaviors than on research and development. Vaccine companies are responsible for manufacturing the “Opioid Epidemic” as well as millions more “deaths by medicine” caused by their products yearly. They have never created a drug or vaccine that was safe from major side effects and death. Their drugs proven to cause harm required more safety standards than the Covid vaccines. Big Pharma kills more than Corona. Why do you trust them? See &
Pfizer: Paid the largest criminal fine in history – $2.3 Billion in 2009, marketing fraud of pain drug, Bextra. See Johnson & Johnson: Fined $572 Million in 2019 for causing opioid epidemic in Oklahoma. See
To source the links included and more information on Covid, Vaccines and Big Pharma visit:
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