Dear Students:
I am happy to give you another direct way to become aware of the suppressed emotions you hold inside yourself. To begin, make a list of all the people in your life you have not forgiven and another for all those you have wronged or harmed. I believe it may not take too long to sense some of the stuffed away feelings & thoughts you have for these folks. Take note that some people may need to be put on both lists. For example, if a friend injured you and in return you retaliated with unloving behaviors towards her, then include her name twice.
I organically understand that you can not achieve greater health when you do not fully experience your feelings associated with remorsefulness & forgiveness for others. This can not be left unsaid as I realize that majority of people in society believe they will not suffer any negative consequences if they choose not to forgive or repent. This may be because many individuals have not experienced a mind/body connection and have very strong aversions to tending to their internal turmoil.
During Functional Integration lessons I can sense where stuck energy lives in a student’s body. When I help someone’s blockages move, I know an emotional response can occur as a result. This can happen immediately but most times happens much later. When a Feldenkrais pupil intimately senses the fine line between his spiritual & material self, he can realize when repressed emotions are releasing, even days after a session. This can help him know that it is best to allow the unfamiliar feelings to freely flow from within him and to be careful not to treat anyone poorly during such moments.
Part 5: Beginning the Forgiveness & Remorsefulness Process: 1. Remember that forgiving & repenting is a very personal experience and can take years to accomplish so be patient and pace yourself along the way. 2. Pick one person from your list of those you wish to forgive or from those you have wronged. When you have time and are alone, think about that person in order to trigger past emotional pains that live inside you.Feel this without hurting or blaming yourself or others. Let your thoughts & emotions flow freely as they surface no matter what arises. Don’t rationalize or make excuses for anyone as you observe your “energy in motion”. 3. For example: if you want to forgive a loved one who trespassed against you, allow yourself to feel how you felt when they intentionally harmed you such as: shock, hurt, anger, resentment, etc. 4. Another example: if you harmed a friend in the past allow yourself to fully feel what you try to avoid whenever that friend comes to your mind such as: remorse, shame, guilt, etc. As your thoughts unwind notice the justifications you came up with to give yourself permission to commit unkind acts. 5. Next read & go through the steps outlined in a part 1 of this series of blog posts called: Energy In Motion. Remind yourself often that this life long endeavor requires sustained desire on your part. I highly recommend to reach for support from the Divine Creator and ask for her love & truth to come into your Soul during the process and/or seek guidance from a counselor, therapist, pastor, 12-step sponsor or friend.
Over time, as you let go of the old, loving desires & passions can move into the newly vacated spaces you open up inside yourself, helping you to gracefully change. I am confident that what you gain by only witnessing what you suppress can give you the ability to treat some of the people on your lists more lovingly without forcing yourself to do so.
May learning how to let go of ideas that no longer serve you, help you to move more freely though your life. Peace!
F.Y.I.: To learn how to fight for your innate rights against forced vaccines, testing, and other trespasses read Our Innate Rights and/or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.