Dear Students:
November is the month that reminds me to reflect and honor all that I am grateful for. Every day I feel very fortunate being able to teach the Feldenkrais Method and help people transform, heal and empower themselves. I am thankful to all my students that support me in more ways than one. I learn more from all of you than I could ever express in words. Your smiling faces brighten my days always.
It has been a rocky yet enriching year handling the many challenges that accompany my sensitivity to electromagnetic, wireless energy. Dealing with the installation of smart meters on homes and public buildings is a lesson of many constraints and has helped me change some unnecessary habits. I thank all of you who help, strengthen and stand with me along this path. Without all of you plus the Feldenkrais Method, I don’t know where I would be at this moment.
On another appreciative note, I am offering one more 6-week series, evening class this year (in addition to my morning class). The first class begins on Tuesday, November 6 @ 5:15 pm. Click here for more details.
F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.