Improve Your Posture through Developmental Movements

Feldenkrais Workshop
Developmental Movement Education
Sunday, August 28, 2011
12 noon – 3:30 p.m.
$60.00 (Sign up today to reserve a space)

Do you realize the curves in your back, that you know as an adult, were not formed when you were born? During the first 18 months of life, they developed as you became interested in the environment around you. The curve in your neck formed from lifting your head repeatedly (while lying on your belly), to see around you. Your intentions to move led to rolling, crawling, sitting, standing and walking which eventually shaped the curve in your lower back area. Re-visiting these types of developmental movements with the curiosity of a mature person will help to improve your postural alignment and understanding of how you learned to move in the world.

Donna Bervinchak will teach this workshop at the Alonzo King LINES Dance Center at 26 Seventh St. in San Francisco, CA. To sign up call the dance center at 415.863.3040×221.


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