Dear Students:
I was a newly practicing Feldenkrais practitioner in the early 2000’s when I had my first appointment with a little boy diagnosed with autism. At the time, I knew very little about vaccines. During the initial interview with the boy’s Mother, she showed me a photo of her son before an injection of a vaccine and immediately afterwards. The difference was devastating and very revealing to me. Before the vaccine shot the pictures of her son showed that he was a typically developing child that looked vividly engaged and happy in life. In the photo immediately after the injection, his eyes were lifeless, his face appeared vacant and he looked extremely ill. Subsequently he developed autism. It was hard for me to fathom that the boy in front of me that day, was the same boy as in the “before” photos.
When I accepted her view, without a doubt, that the inoculation was the cause of her son’s harms, the Mother sighed with relief. Back then, I didn’t fully understand why that moment of validation was so important for her. I soon found out, that most parents who speak out about child vaccination traumas are ostracized by majority of their peers and doctors. Because of how exhausting it is to be attacked in this way most parents hesitate or don’t talk to many people about it. Today I understand it is my responsibility to share what I know about vaccines with all of you.
Recently, Jennie, an adult student of mine thoughtfully summarized some important, need to know, facts about current vaccines. She boldly discloses the facts so others can make informed decisions about whether or not to get vaccinated.
My name is Jennie Donahue. I have an auto immune condition called ITP:Immune Thrombocytopenia Pupura, a blood clotting disorder that affects the white blood cell count. I have conclusively linked this disorder to the MMR vaccine I received in the 1980s. I can't report this or sue anyone. There are currently reports worldwide flooding in of severe injuries and deaths due to Covid vaccines as a result of acute cases of ITP and other blood clotting disorders. Clearly after 30 years vaccine companies still can't produce a vaccine that doesn't affect the blood cells. I already have an auto immune vaccine injury that is the same one harming people currently. According to the CDC, I will not be exempt from receiving the current Covid vaccine. Who is protecting me? To read Jennie's full story called, "Covid 19 Injection/ Vaccine Information" click here.
May you impartially consider, this non-mainstream information & video with Dr. Ryan Cole, and then continue to thoroughly investigate it on your own. Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P, is a great place to start your research.
Peace to all on Earth!
F.Y.I.: To learn how to fight for your innate rights against forced vaccines, testing, and other trespasses read Our Innate Rights and/or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.