One Emotional Layer at a Time

Part 2 of 2: Peeling the Emotional Onion

Dear Students:
In part one of this post, I talked about “Kate” and the breakthrough memory she had during a lesson with Moshe Feldenkrais.  Kate remembered feeling unwanted in utero which her mother later confirmed to be true.  Her experience gives proof that she was able to perceive her parent’s emotions & was shaped by them before birth.  Through her work with Moshe over many years, she gained freedom from within & without by releasing her emotional injuries including those that were handed down to her.

With this in mind, think about when you were a little kid & how hard it was to stop yourself from crying. Now compare this thought to the image of a boiling pot of water about to blow it’s top off. Imagine releasing the steam from the pot by cracking the lid & liken it to how you as a child could have relieved your built up pressure by being allowed to fully cry.  Next think about how many times you currently stop your tears from falling, or act as if you are not afraid or angry & how much energy it takes to hold it all inside your body. Fortunately you can choose to become aware of how you prevent your e-motions from flowing & choose to let them go in a healthy way.  This is how you can begin to heal dis-eases of all kinds within yourself.

I said previously that you can start this cleansing process by internally sensing yourself based on what is happening right in front of you.  For example, in the morning when you listen to the radio, feel without acting upon it, what it’s like when someone in the news infuriates you.  At work, notice how your boss brings up your anxiety. And in the evening, recognize how the dirty dishes overwhelm you.  If you take the time to fully weather these e-motions privately, you can connect the dots and see that your boss & the newsworthy person have similar character traits as the caregiver who originally gave you dish washing duty. 

Recognize that it is more convenient to believe your rage is for a celebrity then for a loved & that your stored wounds makes it seem otherwise.  You learned from society & family how to cleverly distract yourself from the most painful things you carry with you. It’s easy to do this by only focusing your attention on the noisy, hot & cold e-motions for short snippets at at time for people you don’t have a relationship with.  You can uncover what you are avoiding by letting steam go when you fully experience your e-motions in solitude & without directing it towards another.  Like Kate you can gradually get to the core of your emotional onion & relieve yourself of troubles that stemmed from as early as inside the womb.

When you do this, your dealings with people could be based upon the present moment instead of the past.  Your ability to sense when a person is telling the truth versus a lie could be enhanced & help you to cultivate loving relationships with family, friends & acquaintances.

I hope all of these benefits inspire you to want to delve into this very personal & rewarding journey of experiencing your full emotional spectrum. For more details about how to go about this process visit the posts I wrote in 2022 called: Energy in Motion, Parts 1-9.  Peace!

Contact Donna Bervinchak at:  To find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.