Dear Students:
Throughout my childhood I used to get severe motion sickness while traveling in cars. As an adult, when I began to study how the organization of the eyes influence the vestibular system, I found a way to lessen my carsickness. I discovered that when one is advancing forward in a vehicle, the movement of the landscape appears to move in the opposite direction. As a kid, I was too queasy to become aware of this or let it happen. Later when I could observe the opposing blurry vision, my nauseousness disappeared.
I taught myself to stop trying to see the scenery moving in my peripheral vision when riding in an automobile. Instead I view it as it is – a blur. By letting things in the distance swirl past me, my eyes relax, my vision benefits and it keeps ill sensations at bay.
In the past, by trying to latch my eyes onto a moving object, it strained them and disturbed me. Understanding this, now I can pleasantly read a book on a train by letting the letters bounce around during bumpy parts of the trip. This healthy eye habit has changed my life for the better.
I have included a lesson for you to explore that will help you learn how to let the world pass you by in a beneficial way. I think you will find this lesson very helpful as the technological way of living promotes staring at digital screens thus encouraging us to quickly forget to perceive oppositional movement.
Notice For the Lesson: Take lots of rests when using your eyes in a non-habitual way. Signs that your eyes need a rest are feeling: dizzy, nauseous, tired, sleepy, uninterested, mentally unfocused. When this happens stop the exploration, sit or lie down and take a break. Come back to it when you feel refreshed or leave it for another day.
Observing Oppositional Motion lesson: {For those that tend to get dizzy easily, or are in the habit of staring with their eyes, I suggest to do this lesson with your eyes closed first until you get used to the motion.} 1.Stand and place both arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height. Make loose fists with your hands and point both index fingers forward. Swing your arms to the right, keeping your right arm straight while your left arm bends at the elbow towards the right. Focus your eyeson your right index finger as it swings to the right and returns to the middle. Do this movement until you can sense the blurry objects in the distance moving to the left when turning to the right and vice versa. Rest while walking, in sitting or lying on your back. 2.Do the same movement while swinging to the left and return to the middle. Keep your eyes focused on the left index finger until you can see the world swirling around you in the opposite direction you are turning towards. Rest. 3.Do the same movement swinging back and forth, left & right, passing through the middle. When going to the right focus on the right index finger & when going to the left on the left index finger. Even though you know the objects in the background are not moving in reverse of you imagine they are, until they appear to be doing so. Rest. 4.Repeat swinging your arms left & right making the swing smaller, faster and more playful. Sense the oppositional movement and how it’s appearance changes with speed. Rest.
As your vision improves, you may notice that while moving, the blurry background will seem to flow more subtly. May you eventually see this phenomenon improving while you are engaged in daily activities such as walking, sweeping or cleaning a mirror.
Peace to all of you.
F.Y.I.: To learn how to fight for your innate rights against forced vaccines, testing, and other trespasses read Our Innate Rights and/or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.