Cross Motivations

“When we have relieved all the unnecessary tensions (that have been built up in the course of develpment as the only means of reacting to the environment available at that time, that have become useless at present), we can obtain a better and easier comportment.  Thus, if we eliminate from standing all that is extraneous to it such as standing manly, femininely, authoritatively, nicely, efficiently, arrogantly, proudly, or meekly and all the other cross motivations that we cultivate in childhood and adolescence with such wholehearted conviction of doing right, there remains standing as dictated by the structure of the body and its nervous mechanisms.  A stance that is rare, but which we are all capable.”  ~ Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais

I chose to share this quote from The Potent Self,  because I thought the timing was appropriate since we all put away our masks and costumes from Halloween.  I think it is easier to feel how our stance and posture changes when we put on a costume and assume a character than it is to feel the stances we live with everyday.  As Moshe Feldenkrais states above, once we can recognise how we stand and the cross motivations that fuel it we can than give it up.  Coming to this place of self awareness can lead to letting go of alot of physical and emotional pain which will allow for greater ease of functioning.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Thank you for choosing me to share this wonderful method with you.
