Part 4 of 9: Energy in Motion
Dear Students:
One of the quickest ways to realize what kind of emotional wounds you are holding onto is to allow children to reflect them back to you. When you are a parent you have the greatest opportunity to view and become educated by your own kids’ behaviors. A child’s reflections can help uncover aspects of yourself you may not want to see or feel, so be sure to view them without harming or judging yourself or others. If you lovingly honor what the young demonstrate as coming from parts of yourself and use it for self-change then all can benefit.
Parents pass on their own emotional traumas as well as family, ancestral and societal habits to their babies in the womb and beyond. Little ones are like sponges and absorb everything they observe while discovering what makes people tick. This is why an unfiltered toddler can accurately reflect back to an adult their negative and positive traits.
For example: if a Father cannot say “no” when appropriate, his daughter will sense this early in life. When she does not know the difference between right and wrong, she may use any means to get whatever she wants because she senses she can. If the Father never heals the causal reasons why he cannot set boundaries, his aging daughter may keep demanding of him until, if ever, something changes. A transformation in her Dad’s behavior can have a positive effect on her no matter what age she is when it occurs.
Another example: if a Mom becomes overwhelmed by her extremely needy son she can choose to listen & learn from it or become sick & tired. If the Mother honestly looks at why her boy does not do anything for himself, she may discover how she created his dependency. If she looks deep inside she can bring to surface the repressed feelings that fuel her wish to be needed. By releasing these core issues, she can begin to develop her own independence along with her child’s. Eventually her son may learn to love his new found skills and desire to grow more on his own.
Part 4: Learning from a Child’s Reflections: 1. Take note of any behavior you see in your child that brings up emotional pain for you. Know that whatever your child negatively demonstrates emotionally, mentally or behaviorally is largely a result of your suppressed emotional injuries and influences how you parent them.The reflections your child shows you are short cuts to becoming aware of what you have bottled up inside. 2. When you have time and are alone, sense wholeheartedly the emotional pain this child’s behavior reveals to you. Feel this without hurting or blaming yourself or others. Let your thoughts & emotions be unfiltered as they surface. 3. For example: if your daughter had a temper tantrum at the grocery store, recall this event and let your thoughts & emotions be triggered uninterrupted: “I felt embarrassed as everyone was looking at me. I felt anxious and wanted to hide from the staring eyes. I felt like a bad parent as I did not know how to stop her. I remember how my Mom acted when I did this to her.....etc." 4. Next read a previous blog post called: Energy in Motion and go through the process outlined in Part 1: Steps on How to Experience Emotions Gracefully.
One of the most worthwhile & challenging endeavors to take, is to become aware of some of your unkind qualities and begin self-healing. Since most unloving manners are handed down from past descendants you may have your work cut out for you if you decide to become the one brave soul of your lineage to start releasing these old patterns. This effort does require tenacity and can be much easier with help from the Divine Source/Creator and/or guidance from a counselor, therapist or friend.
May you welcome the intuitive feedback the children in your life give you and use that information to enhance your emotional healing. Remember that doing lots of Feldenkrais can broaden your sensitivity thus improving the quality of your process. I hope to hear from you & help you along your way. Peace!
F.Y.I.: To learn how to fight for your innate rights against forced vaccines, testing, and other trespasses read Our Innate Rights and/or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.