My Thoughts, Reflections and Questions about Covid19
~Joyce H., June 2021
The past 15 months have certainly been challenging, as we all have had to find our way navigating the turbulence this global crisis so abruptly brought into our lives. I don’t think anyone could’ve imagined how life could change so drastically in this span of time! It feels like our world is still in a fearful and chaotic state. My prayer is that we can each find inspiration, peace and hope for our future – individually, as families and collectively as a global family.
From the moment I heard about this novel virus, I’ve had a multitude of questions and was compelled to dig deep and do my own research. I’ve spent countless hours over the last 15 months researching SARS-CoV-2 and the public health narrative around it. Much of my focus has been around immune health and how it relates to our body’s ability to respond to a virus or illness. I’ve listened to researchers, thought leaders, doctors, scientists, virologists and epidemiologists from all over the world – while paying attention to mainstream media messaging during the pandemic. Last November, I completed an 8-week online Boot Camp course on “Understanding Vaccine Information” which included several segments on Covid19. I listened to a Webinar presentation on “The Innate Immune System” with top experts in the field of immunity, as well as a docu-series on the mRNA experimental Covid injection – presented by research scientists, doctors, a pharmacist, psychiatrist, vaccine expert and immune specialist.
Here are some of my findings:
Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory – The terrain (microbiome) of the body dictates an individual’s response to a stimuli or illness – it is the immune system’s response to a virus that makes a person ill, not the virus itself. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, stress, fear, poor food choices, GMOs, use of glyphosate and pesticides in our soil, EMFs, vaccine adjuvants, antibiotics, OTC and prescription drugs all contribute to a high viral/toxic load in our bodies. A toxic terrain ultimately leads to illness and disease. Two drugs in particular, statins and ace inhibitors have been found to pharmaceutically change the terrain of the lungs and over-express the receptor for the SARS-CoV-2, making persons using these drugs more vulnerable to contracting this illness. Sadly, millions of Americans are on one of these drugs, which has contributed immensely to the amount of infections during this pandemic. It is reported that most deaths have occurred as a result of pre-existing conditions or from down-stream complications, not from the virus itself.

Our micro-biome is made up of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi – humans have been co-adapting to viruses for millions of years. The human population cannot outrun pathogens and viruses nor can we expect to “kill” a virus with a vaccine. Viruses are not living organisms therefore they cannot produce harm unless they enter human cells. A virus is not a threat to a healthy robust immune system. As one doctor recently stated… “a war on viruses is a war on life and evolution.” Louis Pasteur, the French microbiologist and chemist who invented pasteurization and was a proponent of germ theory admitted on his deathbed “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

One of the many doctors I was introduced to (through my research) who I highly respect is Dr. Zach Bush, Triple Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Hospice Care. He shares this… “It is the collapse of health that welcomes in disease. Sadly our government and medical institutions place their focus on disease management, not health. Covid19 has uncovered the toxicity of our environment. We have created a huge stressor on our environment by the use of toxic substances – including glyphosate, pesticides, antibiotics and EMFs. The death rate has everything to do with whether a population is immune prepared. A paradigm shift needs to happen, starting with teaching children that doctors and drugs do not heal, but that our bodies have the power to heal themselves when given what they need to create healthy gut soil.”

PCR Testing and Masks – Kary B. Mullis, 1993 Nobel Laureate and Inventor of the PCR test stated “these PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests cannot detect or diagnose free infectious viruses at all.” Mullis passed away the summer of 2019, prior to the initial outbreak in Wuhan. One can’t help but wonder how he would react to the altered use of the PCR test he invented were he still alive today. In 1998, he told TIME magazine “Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” The PCR test he invented was designed for laboratory identification of DNA viruses. The SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus. German virologist, Christian Drosten and Chinese virologist Victor Corman created a surrogate PCR test that was developed from a virus in a gene bank with no corresponding viral isolate. It was approved within a very short period of time, without quality assurance and recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for use globally. This hypersensitive PCR test can detect any particulate – even old infections of inactive non-infectious viral particles. In July 2020, the CDC bulletin stated this on PCR testing…. “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCov are currently available.” This admission means that scientists still have not properly isolated or purified the coronavirus.

Additionally, the PCR test that was implemented worldwide has an extremely high rate of false positive readings, due to the number of amplifications the test is put through, known as the Ct value or cycling threshold. According to a study in April 2020, a Ct value of 17 must be used to obtain 100% confirmed real positives. At 35 cycles, this test is 100% faulty. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC were set at 37-45 cycles. The CDC admits any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases tracked by the use of this faulty test. Dr. Michael Mina, epidemiologist at Harvard School of Public Health stated that using a Ct value of 45 for the PCR test is “absolutely insane – and is not science based and not public health-oriented.”
In November 2020, a team of 22 international scientists published a review, challenging the Corman-Drosten paper on PCR testing, demanding that it be retracted due to 10 fatal errors, calling it “donut-ring science – there is nothing at the center of it. It’s all about code genetics, and nothing to do with reality. It’s full of holes, the whole thing.” More recently a team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, the WHO and the Davos Group (World Economic Forum) for crimes against humanity.
On Jan. 7, 2021, the WHO made a recommendation to lower the Ct value of the PCR tests to 25, ten months after the test was originally implemented. Unfortunately most individuals getting tested are not aware of the Ct value and aren’t requesting this information. In July 2020, Dr. Fauci stated “so I think if somebody does come in with 37, 38 or even 36, you got to say, you know, it’s just ‘dead nucleotides’ period.” Knowing the PCR test was not meant to be a diagnostic test, it is difficult to trust the daily reporting of cases by the media. Portraying a positive test as a case, and a rise in cases as a medical emergency is misleading and only continues to drive the fear narrative. Fauci himself said there is no need for asymptomatic people to be tested and that asymptomatic people have never been the driving force of a pandemic. A positive case does not necessarily equal an infection, yet policy decisions have been made based on cases, leading to the loss of many of our constitutional rights and freedoms, in addition to global economic collapse and a dramatic increase in mental illness.

Is the use of an unreliable PCR test that labels healthy individuals as sick and infectious simply driving the narrative of a “lethal pandemic” ensuring un-ending lockdowns and wearing of masks? Prior to masks becoming political in March 2020, research shows there was never even an attempt at the pretense that masks can stop a virus that is 1/1000 the size of a hair. The New England Journal of Medicine acknowledges that masks serve symbolic roles and are thus “mere lucky charms that may help increase a person’s perceived sense of safety.” Dr. Lee Merritt, a military surgeon for 10 years stated “I spent 40% of my life in a mask as a spine surgeon, and I can tell you in my entire career, nobody was talking about masks as a control mechanism for viruses. Even the very best medical masks cannot screen out, cannot protect from this type of small particle virus. Masks don’t control viruses, they control you.” She adds, “Reading faces is a part of humanity and interacting with people. We are creating a generation of children that have an inchoate fear of things – children who are afraid of their environment.”
Has our world been taken down by a war on fear – perpetuated by the use of an erroneous PCR test along with the CDC’s lack of transparency, manipulation of data on death certificates and withholding viable therapeutics for those who do become ill?
Survival Rates for Covid (per CDC) and Experimental Injections
0-19: 99.997%
20-49: 99.98%
50-69: 99.5%
70 +: 94.6%
The CDC updated their numbers in August 2020 to indicate that only 6% of deaths (12,600 of the 210,000 deaths reported) were from SARS-CoV-2 while the remaining 94% had an average of 2.6 morbidities and were of very advanced age. On a side note, in 2019 the Flu killed 80,000 Americans, however in 2020, there were very few recorded flu or pneumonia deaths, only deaths by Covid. A Yale study reported that many less (Covid) deaths would have occurred, had they been treated in clinics or doctors offices instead of hospitals. 88% of deaths in New York were a result of placing patients on ventilators leading to unnecessary deaths, yet Dr. Fauci applauded Gov. Cuomo in his handling of the pandemic. Perhaps there have been inappropriate responses to this particular viral illness and an over-reach of emergency orders by the “experts” – a question thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide are now asking. Interestingly, the number of total deaths by ALL causes before and after Covid19 has stayed nearly the same, according to a Johns Hopkins newsletter from November 2020. Within a few days, the article was scrubbed from their website.

With survival rates above 99% for those under 70 and inexpensive therapeutics available to those who do become ill, along with the ability to support and boost one’s immune system, it begs the question – what is really behind the Covid19 narrative? Is it to drive a “pandemic of fear” in order to push a fast-tracked experimental synthetic mRNA injection on the world which hasn’t been FDA approved (under an extended Emergency Order) – with a long list of known side effects, including the possibility of fertility issues? Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer senior researcher stated “these experimental injections are expected to produce anti-bodies to attack spike proteins such as Covid19, however spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans.” Yeadon and his colleagues demand that it must be absolutely ruled out that an mRNA injection would not trigger an immune reaction against this protein – as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.” Dr. Yeadon added “I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetuated against a large proportion of the world’s population. I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in my 40 year research career) and dangerous products.” Could this mass vaccination campaign be playing into Bill Gate’s de-population efforts that he openly refers to?
These experimental mRNA injections were not created to prevent transmission or confer immunity; they simply reduce the severity of symptoms according to Dr. Fauci. With the lethality of Covid19 lower than the Flu for those under 60 – is it worth being part of this mass experiment now being pushed on the human race? Between Dec 14, 2020 and May 28, 2021, data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showed a total of 294,801 adverse events, including 5,165 deaths and 25,349 serious injuries following Pfizer, Moderna and J & J injections. Cardiac disorders, blood clots, Bells palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, anaphylaxis, hormonal issues and miscarriages have all been reported as adverse events. These numbers represent what is voluntarily being reported. Most Americans and many doctors are unaware VAERS exists and there is no requirement for a vaccine administering health professional to report an injury or death (for any vaccine) to VAERS. It is a flawed system and provides an extremely inaccurate picture for risks associated with any vaccine, let alone those against the SARS-CoV-2. Why is the media not reporting these statistics along with the daily reporting of Covid cases?
In October 2019, Event 201 occurred in NYC with the World Economic Forum, Johns Hopkins and the Gates Foundation to simulate a pandemic – was this timing merely a coincidence? Is it possible the global elitists are capitalizing on this crisis as a catalyst for the Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 adopted by the United Nations? Agenda 2030 is touted as a solution to everything from poverty to global warming, aimed at transforming the world – or could this “agenda” be a plan to empower a global governing body?
This statement on Covid19 is from Psychiatrist Mark McDonald “the true public health crisis is the widespread fear that has morphed into a form of delusional psychosis.”

Harvard trained psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin recently stated “most people have very unrealistic fears about the risk of dying from Covid19, and this is due in part to the CDC and Dr. Fauci’s efforts to inflate the risk of Covid19. Dr. Fauci has been and continues to be an extraordinarily destructive force in the world. He holds himself out as the ultimate source of objective and science based conclusions. In reality, he works with and empowers globalist pharmaceutical firms and globalist organizations.” Those are strong words for the highest paid government employee who is touted as America’s most trusted and reliable source of information on infectious disease and vaccines. Paradoxically during Fauci’s reign, the incidence of Autism has increased from 1 in 10,000 in the early 80’s to a staggering 1 in 54 today – in lockstep with the increase of childhood vaccines – from 24 doses given in 1983 to the current recommendation of 72 doses (of 16 vaccines) from birth to age 18. The CDC is clearly not an independent agency – it’s members own more than 50 patents connected to vaccines and regularly receive funding for their research work from the same pharmaceutical companies who manufacture vaccines, which are then sold to the public. Is this not a huge conflict of interest?
EMF/5G Exposure – Prior to all past pandemics, there was a quantum leap of radar on the earth. The earth’s magnetic grid has been disrupted by the increase of 3G, 4G and now 5G has been rolled out in many areas. In his landmark book on electricity and life “The Invisible Rainbow”, Arthur Firstenberg traces an eerie connection between the advent of four new technologies and major influenza epidemics in 1889, 1918, 1958 and 1968 with the most notable connection being the Spanish Flu of 1918, which killed more than 20 million people worldwide. Interestingly, Wuhan, China was the pilot city to implement full-scale deployment of 5G, as well as northern Italy and numerous large cities in the U.S. Many of these 5G antennas were installed in the U.S. in March and April during the initial lockdown. Over 2,000 studies have been done showing the dangers of 5G, all being ignored by Big Tech. Researchers state that 5G is a global human experiment without consent and a very censored topic of our time. Electric Magnetic Frequencies (WIFI, smart meters, 5G) disturb the immune system and are capable of damaging cells, adding insult to the toxic load the human body carries. 5G degrades the oxygen in the atmosphere, interfering with certain pathways in the mitochondria of our cells. Could the rollout of 5G be a contributing factor to this current health crisis?
Media – A bio-diverse media with alternative perspectives is absent. In 1998, a bill under President Clinton was signed that allowed monopolization to occur in the media. We lost most independent journalism at that time. Today 90% of the media is owned by 6 corporations – Disney, National Amusements, Time Warner, Comcast, News Corp & Sony. These three conglomerates (Amazon, Google and Facebook) control the behavior of the masses on the Internet, with unprecedented censoring of anything that doesn’t agree with their narrative. This is extremely troubling! A diverse micro-biome of society means the ability for ALL voices to be heard, not just what the “powers that be” want the narrative to look like.
It begs the question why America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLD) who advocate for evidence-based medicine and stood in the front of the Supreme Court for a 2 day “White Coat Summit” last summer, sharing their personal experiences of treating Covid patients successfully with Ivermectin, Hydroxy-Chloroquine, and other inexpensive therapies were silenced? Their video immediately went viral and had more than 20 million views within 6 hours, before it was abruptly removed from social media platforms. AFLD was founded by Dr. Simone Gold, a Board-Certified Emergency Doctor of 20 years from CA. Dr. Simone was fired from her job after attending this summit to raise awareness for effective and inexpensive Covid treatments. Fortunately the number of doctors and scientists speaking out against the corruption in our medical system is increasing. They are exposing and dispelling misinformation about Covid19 and the initial handling of it by Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, both having vested interests in numerous pharmaceutical companies. In her recently published book, “I DO NOT CONSENT, My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture”, Dr. Gold, M.D., J.D. states “Independent thinkers had been replaced by risk-averse technocrats taking orders from the government, the consortium, even the media. With lockdowns and state medical decrees aggressively chipping away at the doctor-patient relationship, governments were fully invested in the politics of fear. Instead of offering effective medication and treatment, and most importantly, hope – we were peddling fear and justifying lockdowns. I was deeply dispirited.”
A divide appears to be growing in the scientific and medical communities while questioning voices are being silenced on social media platforms. Do the “experts” truly have our best interests in mind, or are they protecting powerful interests of global elitists and unelected technocrats over the health and welfare of the American people? Three infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists (from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford) came forward last year with thousands of other doctors, calling for an end to lockdowns, masks and emergency orders for the vast majority of the population who are not at high risk for Covid19. Is this a viral illness that has been media-hyped into a public health emergency driven by political agenda, power and greed?
Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center shares this “The United States and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world that allow direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical product advertising. Big Pharma pays U.S. television networks $5 billion per year to push the use of drugs and vaccines. Ad campaigns for the experimental Covid vaccines are in high gear, especially on social media platforms. The thought police hired by Big Tech to censor information that does not conform with pre-approved pandemic narratives are making sure you do not have an opportunity to carefully weigh the vaccine’s benefits and risks. Rational thinking on the World Wide Web is no longer tolerated and neither is freedom of speech. The Internet has become a drug company stockholder’s dream and a consumer’s worst nightmare.”
Vitamin D – A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology revealed those who have low Vit. D levels are at a higher risk of contracting Covid19 (80% of people with active Covid cases were deficient in Vit. D). Upon hospital admission there was a 3.7 fold higher mortality rate of individuals with the disease, who had low Vit. D3 levels regardless of other risk factors. The highest levels of Vit. D were found in northern European countries with the lowest mortality rates, according to Science Daily. Vitamin D regulates inflammatory cytokine production, which is a lethal hallmark of Covid19. It also stimulates the innate immune system, providing frontline protection against infectious agents. Many are not aware of the importance of tracking their Vit. D levels, which can be tested by a simple blood test without a prescription. Optimal levels are 50-70 ng/ml. If there had been intentional focus and education on how to boost immune health and inexpensive measures such as Vit. D, Vit. C and Zinc were encouraged, I wonder how this current crisis would have unfolded. The CDC and Dr. Fauci have known for decades that most Americans are deficient in Vit. D, but since it is not a pharmaceutical drug that will pour profits into the pockets of Big Pharma, that advice has not been forthcoming.
I understand and respect that each person has their own belief system, health philosophy and that our individual truth is derived from our life experiences. For me personally, it means following my heart, my intuition and being consistent with my moral and spiritual compass – a health philosophy and belief system that is not based on manipulation and control of Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government. I believe I can assist my body’s innate intelligence by my lifestyle choices and self care – by maintaining alkalinity and a low viral load, eating organic nutrient dense foods, and utilizing supplements, herbs and essential oils that support and strengthen my immune system.
I believe our collective immune systems will be stronger if we can interact with each other without fear. Globally we seem to have lost our way when it comes to immune health. Our world has been indoctrinated to believe we need drugs and vaccines to keep us healthy. The medical and healthcare system should be encouraging healthy behavior, but instead we see a system that is too lethargic – one that would rather sell us on injections as a cure-all. Will this response that violates the natural laws of self-responsibility for one’s own health backfire with skyrocketing rates of chronic disease, autoimmune disease and premature death in the near future?
The heart of immunity welcomes us to come back inside, to be in tune with our God given natural intelligence, to be proactive in making choices that promote the health of our mind, body, spirit and soul – and to truly trust our body’s innate capacity to be well. I am optimistic that a ripple effect of conscious engaging, standing in truth, uniting and bringing humanity back to faith, family and freedom is happening globally and that humanity will unite in reclaiming their health sovereignty and that natural law will be restored to planet earth.