Soil Health = Human Health

Dear Students:
This past month I have become even more appreciative of Feldenkrais and it’s valuable lessons because I have been sowing & weeding my garden.  With every squat, bend, twist & turn I do it reminds me of all the ways I have benefited from the gifts of mobility & awareness.  It makes me wonder if ‘typical gardeners’ enjoy their labors of love as easily as those that are students of the Feldenkrais Method?

Another feeling I have been awakened to this spring, is a new level of connection between my plants & I.  As I spend time with them & tend the soil, I sense the energy exchange between us becoming stronger with each season.  The other day, I picked some lettuce & vegetables and ate them immediately & realized intuitively that my crops are growing just to help me thrive.  These experiences bring me great joy & essential insights into how to cultivate & spread harmony to all living beings around the world.

I include an interview with a lovely woman, Vandana Shiva explaining the importance of communing with the earth better than I can.  At 6:20 in the video she says,  “Because the soil health is your health.  Every time we impoverish and desertify the soil we cause human diseases.  There is no separation between the health of the planet and our health, and that’s why healing the Earth is healing ourselves, both individually as human beings but collectively as the human species. And I think we will not be able to do the work of healing as long as our minds are “mechanistic” and as long as we say ourselves are separate from the earth, separate from the soil, separate from the plants.  We are one with them.  We are one with them through the care we give to them, but we are one with them through the life they give to us. They give us care when we give them care.” ~Vandana Shiva

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to plant flowers, house plants and/or a garden so you can create a loving atmosphere all around you.  Peace to all on Earth!

Contact Donna Bervinchak at:  To find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.