The Truth Can Set you Free

Dear Students:
I love teaching the Feldenkrais Method because I get to witness, ‘truth setting my students free’, on many levels all of the time. I feel this happens sometimes quickly & other times slowly depending upon how honest & accepting each individual is when confronted with intimate details about themselves.

Facing inner truths takes courage because it requires students to face that which they distract themselves from. Those who delve deeply into Feldenkrais can come to realize that when their movement organization improves it makes for better thinking, feeling & behaving. This overall prosperity from Functional Integration & Awareness Through Movement lessons often creates life long explorers.

During this process, loving thoughts, feelings & actions can replace that which previously occupied the soul.  Humility & compassion can flourish, relationships can foster & a spiritual awakening can become more viable. Those that are dedicated can gradually discover & embody their greater purpose in life.

Since I am also a student of this method, I can attest that when I humbly receive personal & universal truths they become liberating gifts. In society it is important for everyone to have truthful information before them in order for beneficial collective change to occur. I aim to support humanity’s higher purpose, so I bring to your attention that the opposite is happening in America as authority figures are censoring the main stream media. This has been going on for quite awhile, to the detriment of all of us. 

For this reason, I share with you a video of Robert Kennedy, Jr. announcing his run for the presidency. For the past 18 years, he has been censored so methodically that you may not know he is a Democratic candidate. I am confident that if you hear Robert speak for himself, your opinion of him may become favorable if it isn’t already.   

I believe healing can happen between us, one conversation at a time, and that is why I include another video of Kennedy talking with some men in a barber shop in NYC. I think he demonstrates beautifully how to heal the divide in this country. The guys ask him questions about: the military industrial complex – why they should trust him – addiction – his spiritual awakening, & much more.

I  encourage you to make it a priority to reflect & soul search on a daily basis so you can open your heart a little wider each time you converse with someone.  May you come to understand that truth can set you free if you let it & if you resist it, it can create more discomfort & suffering.  Peace!

Contact Donna Bervinchak at: To learn about & donate to presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr.’s campaign click here. To find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.