Dear Students:
Moshe Feldenkrais explained that “learning how to learn” through his method, would help his students carry learning into all areas of life. I am grateful to have found this to be true in myself and my students. A most recent occurrence of this happened for my pupil, Joyce.
“[You will] acquire ease and accuracy in every task... In everything and every interest, mental, abstract, and intellectual, or materialistic - in all of them you will be helped. It will make anything you have to do more pleasurable, because there is no effort it in.” ~ Moshe Feldenkrais, A Life in Movement, by Mark Reese, page 298;
Joyce shared with me that she had never enjoyed writing. Because of current events she found herself compiling extensive information that led to writing it down. As a result, Joyce wrote, “My Thoughts, Reflections & Questions about Covid 19”. After many months of editing she began to appreciate the process.
I shared Dr. Feldenkrais’s theory on learning with Joyce as I thought it related to her experience. I include her eloquent chronicle here:
My Thoughts, Reflections and Questions about Covid19 ~Joyce H., June 2021 The past 15 months have certainly been challenging, as we all have had tofind our way navigating the turbulence this global crisis so abruptly brought into our lives. I don’t think anyone could’ve imagined how life could change so drastically in this span of time! It feels like our world is still in a fearful and chaotic state. My prayer is that we can each find inspiration, peace and hope for our future - individually, as families and collectively as a global family. To read Joyce’s “Research On Covid19” in full click here.
May you find value in the thoughtful research Joyce organized and freely shares with us. Peace to all on this beautiful earth!
F.Y.I.: To learn how to fight for your innate rights against forced vaccines, testing, and other trespasses read Our Innate Rights and/or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.