Dear Students:
Because of the excessive pollen in the air and the way I tend to habitually tilt my head, I have learned some valuable lessons this Spring. My right sinus has given me reason to learn to perceive more clearly, the relationship between my head and vertebral column. When I am not aware of how I move my upper body, my volatile nostril can become clogged with the exorbitant particles in the atmosphere. As a result, I have been exploring Feldenkrais lessons that help my skull find it’s central axis. When I can better sense where my head is in space my right sinus can drain naturally.
Since it is such a wonderful feeling to relieve the sinuses when they are stopped up, I want to share a short Awareness Through Movement lesson with you. This may help you find a more true center so your sinuses can remain happy this summer. Always remember to move with ease and not force yourself at any time while moving during this lesson:
1) Lie down on a mat in prone position. Turn your head towards the more comfortable direction for the side of your face to rest on the floor. Place the arm you can see, bent in front of you on the floor. Place the other arm downwards towards your side. (Refer to the photo above) 2) Gently slide your head a little bit forward so your face moves closer to your armpit, and then return. Do this movement smoothly a few times. Sense if you return to the same resting spot each time or to a slightly different place. 3) Lightly slide the back of your head towards the shoulder behind you (the one you can’t see) and return. Each time pause at rest, to discover where your head is in relation to your spine. 4) Rest on your back and roll your head to feel the quality of your head roll. Do you roll with less effort in one direction than the other? 5) Return to prone position and rest your head in the same manner as
before. Interlace your hands and place them on top of the side of your face that is closest to the ceiling. Let your elbows rest on the floor. 6) Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle so your feet are facing the ceiling. Let your knees and feet be comfortably apart. 7) Gently move your feet a little to the left and right of your midline. Notice if you go further in one direction than the other. See if you can move your feet the same distant to the left and right of the middle of your vertebrae. Notice how you roll your pelvis-does it remind you of a steering wheel? Sense the turning of the pelvis going up through your vertebral column towards your skull. How many vertebrae can you sense turning?
8) Rest on your back and roll your head. What part of the back of your head do you roll on? Has it changed? 9) Simply explore the same movements on the other side. 10) After resting on your back, slowly come to standing and sense where your head and eyes are in relation to the horizon. Turn your head a small amount to the left and right as if to say “no”. Notice where your head is in relation to the central axis.
Click here to read a previous post and find out about other valuable ways to keep your sinuses flowing. Enjoy the summer and don’t let the pollen stop you from smelling the flowers!
F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home, to stop the 5G Deployment or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.