workshop schedule

2025 Workshops with Donna Bervinchak:

Activating the Deep Abdominals
Sunday, March 23, 2025
1:00 – 4:00 pm
$50 (early registration)
$60 (after March 16)

During this workshop the Awareness Through Movement® lessons will focus on helping you activate abdominal muscles that crunches & sit ups may not successfully address.   During these explorations you can learn how to release unnecessary tension in your torso & around the hip joints which can help improve posture, digestion, constipation, & other internal processes. 

The movements throughout this workshop may challenge you physically, mentally & emotionally at times.  You may discover that actively finding your abdominal muscles through functional movements can help you find your internal power & strength.

Location:  Susquehanna Dance Center, 120 College Ave., Mountville, PA 17554;
Pre-Registration Required:;
Fragrance Free:  Please refrain from wearing perfumes and scented lotions;

Making the Impossible Possible
Sunday, May 18, 2025
1:00 – 4:00 pm
$50 (early registration)
$60 (after May 11)

During this workshop the Awareness Through Movement explorations can help you organically understand Moshe Feldenkrais’s famous saying, “make the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant”.                   

The gentle & sometimes challenging lessons can be compared to solving a puzzle & the feeling of satisfaction that comes with figuring it out.  When you discover how your entire body is involved in the moving process, you can become more effortless, efficient & elegant in motion.

Location:  Susquehanna Dance Center, 120 College Ave., Mountville, PA 17554;
Pre-Registration Required:;
Fragrance Free:  Please refrain from wearing perfumes and scented lotions;


Arching & Extending the Back
Saturday, August 2, 2025 (date change)
1:00 – 4:00 pm
$50 (early registration)
$60 (after July 26)

During this workshop the Awareness Through Movement explorations can help you increase your back mobility & flexibility.  Some of the movement lessons will require you to lie on your stomach and others to bear weight on your knees. 

While living in the modern world, the upper back tends to become stiff & tense from under-use and the lower back from over-use.  At the end of this workshop, you may find yourself extending your back in a more congruent way by bringing more of yourself into the action.

Location:  Susquehanna Dance Center, 120 College Ave., Mountville, PA 17554;
Pre-Registration Required:;
Fragrance Free:  Please refrain from wearing perfumes and scented lotions;


Improving Standing “Acture”
Saturday, October 4, 2025
1:00 – 4:00 pm
$50 (early registration)
$60 (after Sept.27 )

During this workshop the Awareness Through Movement lessons will require you to actively explore movement while in standing.  Moshe Feldenkrais called posture “acture”, to help people realize that standing is dynamic & not static. By becoming aware of any unneeded muscular tension in the upright position offers you a chance to reduce your efforts & improve your “acture”.

The explorations can also help you become conscious of any mistaken ideas you may have about how vertical posture should be so you can let them go.  When you discover this, you can reorganize the natural curves in your back more easily during the lessons and continue to develop better “acture” beyond the workshop.

Location:  Susquehanna Dance Center, 120 College Ave., Mountville, PA 17554;
Pre-Registration Required:;
Fragrance Free:  Please refrain from wearing perfumes and scented lotions;

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