Hi Students,
I decided to share another lesson in sitting for all of you based on popular demand. This is a great lesson to help improve your game of golf, tennis, softball, etc. Have fun with it!
During this lesson move gently without forcing or stretching. Focus on how you do the movement as well as on how you return each time. After each movement sit back in your chair and rest before going to the next one. Let your curiosity guide you. Add any variations that you can think of, to this mini-lesson. Have fun and enjoy this exploration! ~Donna
1) Sit at the edge of your chair with your knees and hips at about a 90% angel. Place your right hand on your shoulder and let your elbow rest on your chest. Turn your head, eyes and shoulders as far to the left as you can comfortably and notice the farthest thing you can see and then return to where you started. Do this movement several times noticing how your pelvis and legs move with your upper body.
2) Start in the same position and this time as you turn to the left with your head, eyes and shoulders allow your right knee to become longer than your left. Don’t allow the feet to move on the floor as you do this. Instead feel that when the right knee lengthens the pelvis turns to the left. When you return to the starting position notice how your pelvis turns back to the right as your knee shortens.
3) Do movement #1 and feel what has changed.
4) In the same starting position, turn your head, eyes, shoulders and pelvis to the left and stop at your farthest comfortable place. Stay turned this way and only turn your head and eyes back to the right and then to the left again, many times. Feel how you are turning your head independently of your shoulders. (pause) Turn everything back to the starting position and take a rest.
5) Turn all parts of yourself to the left again and stay there. This time only turn your shoulders back to the right. Keep your eyes looking at something and this will help you not to turn your head with the shoulders. Feel your right knee staying longer than the left one and this will help you not to turn the pelvis along with your shoulders. Move very slowly and gently so you can be aware of what you are actually doing. (pause) Come back to the starting position and rest by walking around the room a bit. Continue reading A Turning Lesson