Cosmic Reality

Dear Students:
The following quote by Moshe Feldenkrais is one that I enjoy contemplating.  I encourage you to read it and allow it to sink in.

“This cosmic Reality is so immense and overwhelming that it is only when we are at our best that we can catch glimpses of it.” ~Moshe Feldenkrais, The Elusive Obvious

By learning to concentrate and listen through Feldenkrais lessons we can begin a journey towards finding our human potential.  Striving to know ourselves on a deeper level can be the beginning of reflecting the cosmic reality, inside and outside of us, that Dr. Feldenkrais refers to above.

In this fast paced society of overloaded schedules and distracting technology from “television to twitter” we barely give ourselves even a second to consider our potential and/or self purpose.

Through the Feldenkrais Method we learn how to lessen the intensity of physical, emotional & behavioral habits.  As a result, silent pauses begin to arise inside our minds.  By creating and embracing quiet moments we are given the chance to consider such things as self understanding and the mysteries of the universe.

Dr. Feldenkrais believed that world peace was possible and that the Feldenkrais Method could help create it.  I agree with him and to help support your efforts towards inner peace, I am offering an additional Feldenkrais class and another workshop this year.

"For the fact is, unless you offer the best of yourselves, the world will never be different." ~Pope Francis, July 30, 2016

Creating self-serenity one Feldenkrais lesson at a time can be an enriching and challenging road to unknown possibilities!  Let’s reflect & create peace together!

F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.