Expanding the Movement of Breath

Hi Students:

I am excited to teach my next workshop because once a person finds more ease of movement in the upper back they feel so much better!  I have found that even ballerinas have trouble keeping their upper backs flexible and are grateful when they learn ways to release the tension in that area.  Ease into the Wheel Yoga Pose by Improving Upper Back Flexibility  will be on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 11:30 a.m.- 1:30.  The early bird special ends on Sat., Oct. 12.  Click on the workshop to get details about how to register.

I made the following video for the many students that requested it.  During this short Feldenkrais, Awareness Through Movement lesson, move at your own pace and within your comfort level. Use the video as a visual to help you understand the lesson better. Pause the video throughout so you can explore each movement longer.

The lesson is designed so that each position will allow your diaphragm to expand in more directions. For example when you do this diaphragm movement while lying on your chest and belly, the constraint of the floor requires your diaphragm to expand more towards your upper and lower back areas. Each position will help the diaphragm find more movement options.

When you finish the lesson, notice if your lungs are able to expand more like balloons without thinking about it.

Forget about this lesson entirely during your day. Notice that with each moment in life, breathing changes. A person breaths differently when meditating vs. when debating. And he / she breaths differently running vs. when lifting heavy boxes. Notice how your breathing changes throughout your day without any thought required on your part. Enjoy!


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