Dear Students:
It seems that the most pervasive dis-ease plaguing mankind today, is the condition of fear. I understand, that fear is the absence of love. The fact is that without love, one can be led to do very improper acts if unaware. Even kind people can justify acting without moral fortitude when overwhelmed with fear. The glorious news is that when you “know thyself”, you can learn to walk through the most frightening worries and do what is morally right for all on earth.
What you can do to get control of yourself when fearful:

- First, stop and acknowledge your frightful feelings.
- Then notice how you embody this fear.
- Sense your heart rate. Is your breathing different? Do you clench your teeth? Are your hands tense? Do you squeeze your buttocks, abdominals or sphincter muscles? Is your vision altered in some way? Do you hold your head & pelvis in an unusual manner?
- Now, imagine stepping away from yourself to see what this “embodiment of fear” looks like as a whole picture.
- Most importantly only observe yourself during this process. Do not try to change what you sense. Instead experience the motions that are not pleasing to your neurological system so in that moment, you can stop doing it.
- Do this exploration as often as needed. Over time, the “grip of fear” can weaken and you can change how you respond to it each time.
- Remind yourself often that love conquers fear!
If you are reading this, you are fortunate and in touch with the Feldenkrais Method which provides a plethora of relevant tools and interesting ways to learn how to develop self-awareness. I am so grateful to organically appreciate that getting to “know thyself” is a loving act!
May you continue on the journey of self realization thereby helping create a world full of love! I wish for peace and love for all in 2021!
F.Y.I.: To fight for your rights against smart meters and the 5G Deployment or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.