Dear Students:
During Saturday, September 23rd’s workshop, Enhancing Your Intelligence, the Feldenkrais lessons I have chosen to teach, will keep everyone on their toes due to extra mental twists that accompany the movements.

Following is an example of an easy way for you to explore on a daily basis to help boost your speed of thought. Choose one simple task that you do often and never give any thought to how you do it because it is so habitual. I will pick the task of opening and closing the blinds for this example. First, open the blinds with your dominant arm and pay close attention to how you organize yourself while doing this action.
Do your shoulders turn when you open the blinds or stand still?
Do your eyes look at your hand as you pull the cord or elsewhere? Does your head follow your eyes?
Does your pelvis turn to the left, right or stay in the middle?
Which direction do your feet point as you do this task?
Do you inhale or exhale during this action?
What kind of thoughts are linked to this habit?

After you become aware of how your organize your dominant side to open or close the blinds then you are ready to teach your other side to move in a similar way. When you first open the blinds with the non-dominant side ask yourself the same awareness questions as above. You may be surprised to find out that this side may only rely on one part of your body to do this job. Over time, that lonely part of yourself may become over worked. This is why it is so important to teach this side to become more intelligent. Thoughtfully teach the non-dominant side to organize in a similar way as your dominant side whenever you open or close the blinds. (Can you see how differently I organize myself in the photos?)
The longer you explore the greater the rewards will be. May you better your concentration skills and become a sharper thinker along the way!