Learning to Learn

Dear Students:
Long before the Feldenkrais Method was born, Moshe Feldenkrais was influenced by the teaching of Jigoro Kano, the creator of Judo. While Dr. Feldenkrais was learning Judo, he was also developing his own method in many ways.  One thing that he adopted from Jigoro Kano’s teachings is the importance of learning without self pressure or competition. 

“It is not important to be better than someone else, but to be better than yesterday.” ~ Jigoro Kano

Moshe Feldenkrais not only taught Judo and his own method, but also many other subjects, such as physics & math; he was able to help his students excel because of his unconventional methods of teaching.  Moshe was such a successful teacher because he knew how to teach his students how to learn.  Below is a section of a manual he wrote explaining his theory behind learning.

 Moshé Feldenkrais, Learn to Learn: A manual to help you get the best results from the Awareness Through Movement® lessons:
"The Awareness Through Movement® lessons will help you to reach your inborn potentiality in the best way and avoid giving you just another opportunity for using yourself in the accustomed way which led you, initially, to seek a better one.

By reducing the urge to achieve, and attending also to the means for achieving, we learn easier. Achieving-we lose the incentive for learning and, therefore, accept a lower level than the potential we are endowed with. When we delay the final achievement by attending efficiently to our means, we set ourselves a higher level of achievement if we are not aware that that is what we are doing. On knowing what to achieve before we have learned to learn, we can reach only the limit of our ignorance, which is often general. Such limits are intrinsically lower than those we can foresee after knowing better."~Moshe Feldenkrais
 Click here to read the full manual.

The video that I have included is a great example of what “learning to learn” looks like.  During the rest of your summer adventures may you learn to become a better version of yourself in a gentle and pleasing way.

F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.