Living in the Present Moment

HI Students!
“What I love most about Feldenkrais is that after a class or private session the “chatter” inside my head comes to a standstill,” a student shares.

ZenSitWhen the fear of the unknown future or when the compulsive thinking stops, you are living in the present moment. Feldenkrais® helps us to get there and I appreciate this wonderful gift we can achieve even when not in class.   To live in the present moment, is as simple and elusive as becoming aware, using any of your 5 senses.

Take a moment and feel your feet on the floor; hear the sounds around you; smell the fragrance of the room; look at the vastness of the sky; or truly taste your food when eating. The present moment allows a person to find peace when being. Living in the past and/or future, can create physical, emotional and mental stress.

Aknowledge your thoughts and let them go as you come to the present.  Remember your thoughts / emotions are not you.  And when in a crisis, living in the present moment will allow you to make the best decisions based on what is currently happening and not based on a fear of what could happen.

Try it, I think you will like it!

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