Dear Students:
The Introduction to Moshe Feldenkrais’s book, The Potent Self, is entitled “Love Thyself as Thy Neighbor”. If you read closely you will notice that Dr. Feldenkrais reversed the order of the words “thyself” and “neighbor” in this commandment. I share this with you, hoping it will help you to maintain your health & peace of mind during this holiday season.
I have observed that most people become too exhausted to enjoy the holidays because they push themselves harder than they would push their worst enemy. If this behavior sounds familiar to you, listen to what Moshe Feldenkrais further says in his introduction: “Love thy neighbor as thyself” should not always mean that they themselves are worse than any neighbor…”
Have a wonderful holiday season. I hope Moshe’s words will stay with you and remind you to slow down, take lots of breaks and treat yourself kindly.
Feldenkrais Class Schedule & Day Change in 2024:
4 week winter break: no classes Dec. 19 & 26, 2023 and Jan. 2 & 9, 2024;
Beginning on Wed. Jan. 17, 2024: Feldenkrais classes will meet on Wednesdays @ 11 am (instead of Tuesdays) – for more details click here.
May you actively discover the positive energy behind, “Loving Thy Neighbor As Thyself” & “Loving Thyself as Thy Neighbor”. Peace to All on Earth!
Contact Donna Bervinchak at: