No Soy Brings Joy

Dear Students:
During early adulthood when I began eating a vegan diet, I started eating soy products such as tofu, soy milk, etc.  Very quickly, I began having digestive problems, a bloated stomach and very low energy.  Walking became an effort that felt like trudging through water.

My boyfriend at the time, was having similar troubles and began pointing his finger at the soy products.  I was in disbelief, and gratefully his research changed my mind.  He discovered that in this country, soy is processed with hexane, a toxin much like gasoline.

We immediately stopped eating soy, including products that have soybean oil in them and began reading labels more closely.  On our first soy-free day, we agreed that it felt like our bodies were detoxing.  After the detoxification was complete, our energy levels increased and we were happy as could be.

About a year ago, at my favorite grocery store, I met Christine who was very concerned about her health.  She was experiencing digestive issues along with brain fog and headaches. She was worried because her doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. I asked her many questions and when she confirmed that she ate a lot of tofu, I understood her problem.

I suggested that she try for one week, to not eat any soy.  I also let her know that most restaurants cook with soybean oil and to avoid that as well.  I warned her about the detox stage and assured her that the next time I saw her, she would give me a big hug, if she did as I suggested. 

I sensed that I dropped the bomb a little too quickly as I could see in her eyes that she believed she could not live without tofu.  So I introduced her to tofu made from hemp and garbanzo beans and gave her other ideas.

As predicted, about two months later, Christine hugged me with feisty joy, and shared she was happily surprised by the results of the experiment. She explained, since soy is in almost everything it was hard for her to completely abstain from it, at first.  But after a night out at her favorite restaurant, that gave her such a bad, “soy” headache, she knew her efforts were well worth it.

Every time, I see Christine she has more energy and walks with a greater skip in her step.  She shed ten pounds without trying, which I have seen happen for others as well.  After her boyfriend saw the changes in her, he also decided to give up soy.  He used to swear by it as his protein source so this was another pleasant surprise for her.

Christine asked me several times, to write about her story. She wants everyone to know that her symptoms of years, only took days to go away! I agree with her, that as many people as possible need to know this information! Please pass it on.

F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home, to stop the 5G Deployment or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.