Dear Students:
I believe the best way to create peace and harmony around you is by first taking care of yourself. I hope by revisiting the following blog posts it will help you to do just that during this holiday season.

Boosting Your Immune System: I remind you that, your body is designed to heal itself! I share with you some things you can do to help enhance your immune system in hopes that your confidence in your own innate abilities, increases.
An Intimate Garden: I think this blog post was the most neglected one this past year and feel this was unfortunate. I don’t want you to miss out on an ancient gardening secret that most don’t know about as I believe it will lead you down the path of healing and ultimate health!
Begin Your Day Gracefully: By starting the day with a gentle, Feldenkrais way of getting up I think it will remind you to move similarly the rest of the day!

Video page: I made this page to help you remember some of the movements that we do in classes and during private sessions. I hope these short lessons help you to keep moving with ease during these times!
My wish for all of us during these volatile times is to remember to “love thy neighbors as thyself”. Peace to all of you!
F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home, to stop the 5G Deployment or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.