Part 6 of 9: Energy in Motion
Dear Students:
I strongly encourage you to develop a desire to address your fears as it is one of the most toxic emotions to hold onto for your mind, body & soul. Living life governed by fears inevitably ends in harming yourself & others. Since fear is the opposite of love, all your decisions when in a such a state can only result in unkind behaviors. Worry, terror & dread are related emotions and can dictate & limit your lifestyle choices & slowly imprison you. When habitually running scared you probably know you cannot be trusted on how you may react in any situation. You may even surprise yourself by some of the horrible things you become capable of doing.
By fully experiencing your fearful emotions, you can uncover the original events & reasons that caused them & realize how your life has been negatively affected by suppressing them. This knowledge may help you to stand up to those resembling the authority figures you learned to give your power away to.
It is important to know that you cannot love someone that you are afraid of, nor can they love you. As you change & begin living in harmony with love, kind and truthful people can replace those folks that used to manipulate you through intimidation. Now you can discover your true personality by letting your ambitions & passions guide you.
Sitting with Emotions associated with Fear: 1. Become aware of when you are in a state of fear. When feeling nervous, anxious or worried about something, stop & do not act. A pause can give you a chance to change reactive behaviors. Give yourself as much time as you can before making any decisions. When you have time and are alone, fully feel all the emotions that are associated with your fear without hurting or blaming yourself or others. Let yourthoughts & emotions flow freely as they surface until you get to the original events from your past, that caused you to become fearful. Don’t rationalize or make excuses for anyone as you recall these memories. Practice this as often as possible so you can become capable of going through this process during all areas in your life. 2. Next read & go through the steps outlined in Part 1 of this series of blog posts at: Energy In Motion. I highly recommend to reach for support from the Divine Creator and ask for her love & truth to come into your Soul during this process and/or seek guidance from a counselor, therapist, pastor, 12-step sponsor or friend. 3. Eventually you may be able to act in harmony with truth during difficult situations. For example: Let’s say, a Business partner you are afraid of, orders you to fire an employee. You believe the employee does not deserve to be terminated and fear arises in you as this thought comes to mind. During this moment of awareness, stop yourself from doing or saying anything. If you can, tell your partner that you will get back to him later. Then if
possible, go to another room where you can quietly experience your emotions. This pause, may enable you to say exactly what is in your heart, that day or at another time. Your partner may be shocked when he hears you state later on: “I do not support this decision so I will not fire the worker”. The outcome from speaking your mind might look like: your partner not terminating the employee, or he might get someone else to do it, or he may lash out at you until you cower, or he may even split up your partnership, etc. As you grow stronger with each fear you face, you may realize that you can handle the consequences of your actions, no matter what they are. Have faith that what you sow can reap positive results & the Laws of Attraction can draw them to you in your near future.
I believe, since it is now commonly accepted to excuse bad behavior, if it was committed in fear, it has become the worse problem on the earth. I am confident most can see that when someone hurts another out of anger, there is no justification for such an act. I believe this epidemic can be changed one person at a time and I hope it begins with you.
May you completely sense your fearful emotions so you can find truth & love on the other side. Peace to all on earth!
F.Y.I.: To learn how to fight for your innate rights against forced vaccines, testing, and other trespasses read Our Innate Rights and/or to find out about products that can help electromagnetic sensitivity click here.