The Power of Love

Dear Students:
This month my weekly Feldenkrais students pleasantly surprised me and showered me with love on a Tuesday after class. They honored me with heart felt words of appreciation, endearments, and gift certificates to my favorite market.  Tears came to my eyes as their support cocooned me like a warm blanket.  These dedicated Feldenkrais students are the most consistent group of people that I have taught throughout the years and they bring me inspiration and joy each week. My thanks go out to all of them for freely giving to me!

Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe and because of it I thrive while I protect myself from the harmful effects of smart meters.  I believe that the new year will enlighten more people of the truth as well as empower more to righteously stand for what is best for all on the earth. In a blink of an eye I will be practicing again and will offer Functional Integration sessions to you in a pristine office.

smart meter is most likely attached to your house or workplace so I suggest to learn the facts about them.  People all over the world are developing negative health effects caused by them.  I am humbly grateful to my family, friends and community for helping me in very different ways during this journey.  The seeds that we planted this year will see the light in 2018. I can’t wait to see the fruits of our dreams!

F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home the following videos will explain the successful steps you need to take: episode 1 and episode 2. After watching both episodes print out the documents.  If you have any questions when filling them out feel free to call me at 717.898.3359 and I can help you.