Dear Students:
I feel that the age of activism is alive and well and is gaining momentum every day. As I watch people standing up for their rights a lot of obstacles are surfacing and it is viable to be able to help ourselves in those moments. Sense memories can become strong deterrents when faced with a road block if we do not become aware when they lead to habitual responses. Awareness can help us not to be ruled by compulsive thoughts, feelings and actions.

I will now apply this to my current state of affairs. This month I will be standing up for my rights to protect my home from the harmful effects of smart meters. I will do this before five lawyers and a judge at a hearing.
I have never enjoyed dealing with authority figures so the actions that have led to this consequence have been accompanied with many growing pains. My habitual response to persons in power has been to cower before them. Knowing this, I employ the awareness I have gained through the Feldenkrais Method in order to alter my ways. When I am able to pause and sense exactly how I physically recoil in the face of authority I am one step closer to standing up for myself.

For example if I sense my habitual visceral reaction of nausea, diarrhea, and elevated heart rate it becomes possible for me to react differently than I have in the past. Making the conscious connection that I physically manifest these symptoms by squeezing my jaw, holding my breath and tightening my abdominal muscles allows me to cease the unneeded tensing. In that moment my visceral responses can subside and I can then foster my behavioral growth and well being.
Finding myself in this paradox of learning how to face authority in non-habitual ways has left me grateful for the heaps of empowering lessons I have gained. I believe, through self-awareness we can create a better tomorrow for all on the Earth!
F.Y.I.: To get a smart meter removed from your home the following videos will explain the successful steps you need to take: episode 1 and episode 2. After watching both episodes print out the documents. If you have any questions and want support come to a Town Hall Meeting or call me at 717.898.3359 and I can help you.